Fish Report

Blue Sky and a Bent Rod
Scott Caldwell
Fishing on the Klamath continues to be a beautiful adventure. As Yreka and the surrounding areas head into Fall, the hillsides along the river are beginning to transform to those beautiful browns oranges reds an greens we all love this time of year. It makes for gorgeous scenery while fishing the river for Salmon, Steelhead and Trout.
VIDEO from yesterday's trip
Salmon continue to slowly move up river from down below and we have been catching a few each day. Bouncing roe has been the best method for hooking up. Back trolling plugs has not produced much Salmon action but the Steelhead sure do enjoy them.
No matter your preference there are fish to catch and beautiful scenery to enjoy. Give me a call 530 905 0758 and let's put that Fall trip together.
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I have gift trip certificates available for the Holidays if your looking for that perfect gift for friends and loved ones.