Fish Report
Klamath River Fish Report for 11-14-2010
Scott Caldwell
You have to love when a teaching lesson is rewarded. My client Tom Stephenson (Costa Mesa and Hornbrook CA) hired me to teach him how to fish and row the Klamath River in his new Willie Drift boat, today. Tom is a fairly new resident of Hornbrook and has a great house right on the river, Tom also fished with me over 8 years ago and landed a nice 7 plus pound Steelhead (if you look at the top of my webpage that is Tom 8 years ago with me behind him) back then. Today was the maiden voyage, and I have to say Tom did a great job rowing down the river for the very first time. We happened to be right behind his house, and I was showing Tom how to bounce bait through a hole, when I hooked a fish, I then handed the rod off to Tom, as we switched places and he expertly battle and landed what turned to be the biggest fish of the Winter season, a fat 24-inch 7.5pound Hatchery Steelhead. Team efforts do payoff well sometimes. Good thing it was a Hatchery fish, Tom was told by his Wife not to come home without fish for dinner. The rest of the day went well as we worked through a few different methods of bait, fly and plug fishing all of which produced 1/2 pounders and a couple of more adult Steelhead in the 2 pound class. The weather was cold and rainy but the fish are hungry and there is not a lot of traffic out on the water right now.